
Top 10 myths of divorce

Top 10 myths of divorce

1. The judge / lawyer will hear my side and make things “right.” With very few exceptions, it is in your best interest to come up with a settlement that you create together with your team (lawyer, mediator, financial experts, etc.). Despite their best intentions, a...

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You’re right. Divorce isn’t fair.

You’re right. Divorce isn’t fair.

It’s one of the things I hear most often when talking to clients about their situation. “It’s so unfair.” Chances are, you’re right. There are so many good reasons you might feel this way. First, it is a totally subjective situation! What feels fair and reasonable to...

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Wow! My kids turned 25 this week

Wow! My kids turned 25 this week

On Monday, October 21st my amazing twins, Hannah & Max, turned 25. They spent the weekend together in New York City and I have found myself thinking about this milestone birthday and how much I’ve learned from them as they grow up. If you’ve been reading this blog...

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Questions to ask when interviewing a lawyer

Questions to ask when interviewing a lawyer

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post, “Do I really need a lawyer for my divorce?” As you might suspect, the answer depends on the specifics of your situation. If you are deciding whether to add a lawyer to your team, how do you know who is the right fit for you? What...

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What Was My Best Post-Divorce Decision? This one.

What Was My Best Post-Divorce Decision? This one.

Believe it or not, we got a guinea pig first. Pretzel was adorable but wasn’t the real companion I wanted for me and the kids. Then Ozzie made his way into our lives and changed everything. We couldn’t have a dog when I was married because my ex was too allergic to...

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A Tough Topic You Can’t Afford to Overlook

A Tough Topic You Can’t Afford to Overlook

More than 25 years ago, my former mother-in-law died at 52 of breast cancer. She was an amazing woman: smart, accomplished, kind, generous, and a dedicated daughter, sister and mother. Her quick decline after a breast cancer diagnosis shocked all of us, including her....

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