Why You Need a Divorce Mission Statement
A divorce mission statement can help you stay focused and accountable during divorce. These client examples can help you get started. I’ve written before about the value of creating both a personal and a divorce mission statement during divorce, but...
OK, it’s January and you’re starting the divorce process. What’s next?
If you’ve been holding on, waiting until the new year to start the divorce process, you’re not alone. Whether you made the decision recently or knew it was coming and waited out the holiday season, the steps you’ll take are the same. In addition to the “must-do’s”...
How did this year go for you? 5 questions to help you take stock and plan for next year
If you’re reading this newsletter, you probably faced or are currently preparing for a difficult transition. Wherever you are in your journey, how are you doing today? Are you willing to look at your year to give yourself credit for your accomplishments and be honest...
What assumptions are you making in divorce – and do they matter?
In one of my favorite books, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz shares what is essentially his code of conduct for living a fulfilling and meaningful life. In the book, Ruiz describes four agreements he argues can serve as a personal code of conduct to guide how we...
There’s a new divorce support option in Colorado. Could it be right for you?
On June 20, 2024, 62 people were sworn in as the first LLPs (Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals) in Colorado. What are LLPs?Licensed Legal Paraprofessionals provide a new option for divorcing clients who may have previously elected to do everything on their own. Much...
What I’m Thankful for This Year
I am a committed optimist. This can be annoying for people close to me, as I always seem to find the silver lining in difficult situations. I can reframe just about anything, sometimes before others are ready, but it’s part of how I get through hard things....
What is Gaslighting? Is it Happening to Me?
“My partner is gaslighting me.” It’s a common complaint I hear from clients – both men and women. But what does it really mean, and what can you do about it? According to an article from the Newport Institute, gaslighting is “A form of psychological abuse or...
The Three Holiday Questions I Get Most Often
For so many of us the holiday season is already stressful. Add in complications from divorce, and it can be even more difficult. With the traditions, family gatherings, and expectations surrounding the holidays, it’s common to feel a sense of anxiety, loneliness, or...
Top 10 myths of divorce
1. The judge / lawyer will hear my side and make things “right.” With very few exceptions, it is in your best interest to come up with a settlement that you create together with your team (lawyer, mediator, financial experts, etc.). Despite their best intentions, a...
You’re right. Divorce isn’t fair.
It’s one of the things I hear most often when talking to clients about their situation. “It’s so unfair.” Chances are, you’re right. There are so many good reasons you might feel this way. First, it is a totally subjective situation! What feels fair and reasonable to...
Wow! My kids turned 25 this week
On Monday, October 21st my amazing twins, Hannah & Max, turned 25. They spent the weekend together in New York City and I have found myself thinking about this milestone birthday and how much I’ve learned from them as they grow up. If you’ve been reading this blog...
What is a Blessing? Maybe it’s not what you think…
When was the last time you really thought about the definition of a blessing? Recently, someone shared a beautiful definition with me that I had never heard, and it made me think more about the word and its meaning. This woman, I’ll call her Annie, shared that when...
Questions to ask when interviewing a lawyer
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog post, “Do I really need a lawyer for my divorce?” As you might suspect, the answer depends on the specifics of your situation. If you are deciding whether to add a lawyer to your team, how do you know who is the right fit for you? What...
Does divorce stress make you want to hide from the holidays? Try these five steps to make them more manageable for you and your kids.
When I was going through divorce (and honestly, for a couple years after as well!) I admit I tried the “head in the snow” approach to the holidays: I hoped I could stay buried long enough that it would be January when I came out. Big surprise – it didn’t work. 🤣 In...
Grey Divorce: Factors to Consider When Ending a Long-Term Marriage
According to the Pew Research Center, the rate of divorce for people 50 and older, often referred to as “grey divorce,” has nearly doubled since the 1990s. This trend is often attributed to shifting societal norms, longer life expectancies, and changing personal...