February 27, 2024

February 27, 2024

Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!) Are You Feeling Isolated During Divorce?  Of course you are! 😩 One of the hardest aspects of divorce is feeling disconnected from friends and family at a time when you most want the love....
February 21, 2024

February 21, 2024

Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!) What is A “Best Self Divorce,” and Why Is It Important? There are good reasons why so many professionals will advise you to bring your “best self” to the divorce...
February 13, 2024

February 13, 2024

Welcome To my February 13, 2024 newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!) My latest blog post is titled, “What if Winning in Divorce isn’t What You Think?” Building on January’s theme, perspective, I dig a little deeper...
February 4, 2024

February 4, 2024

Welcome To the February 4, 2024 issue of my new monthly newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!) “Making the Must-Do’s Manageable.” This is the way a client recently described our work together, and I love it! Other descriptors...
January 2024

January 2024

Welcome To 2024, and the January issue of my new monthly newsletter, Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!) Is January Really “Divorce Month?” Unofficially, January is often known as “Divorce Month” due to the number of people who...
December 2023

December 2023

Welcome To Issue #2 of my new monthly newsletter, Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!) Thanks to everyone who joined my webinar on November 17. We had a great discussion about managing stress during the holiday season. If you missed it, here are two of...