Better Than Before DivorceTM
Online Course+

The emotional support tools you need AND two one-on-one coaching sessions to keep you accountable and moving toward your goals.

The package includes:

A 90-minute Kickstart Session to help you get untangled and moving forward

An additional one-hour coaching session to keep you on track to reduce stress, minimize conflict, and make healthy decisions for your future

Recordings of your one-on-one sessions so you can listen again as desired

The complete Better Than Before Divorce™️ online course, including the companion workbook and bonus videos

*To be used within 90-days of purchase

More About The Better Than Before DivorceTM course:

Four content-rich modules, each focused on a different aspect of the emotional stress of divorce

Topics include

  • Conflict and compromise

  • Showing up as your best self

  • Healthy boundaries

  • Effective communication

  • …and much more!


→ Take a peek inside the course ←

A Comprehensive Course Workbook

Everything you need to articulate who you are at your best and create the roadmap to get there: templates, journal prompts, worksheets, examples of messages, texts and scripts, and a section for notes so you can stay organized.

A Comprehensive Course Workbook

Everything you need to articulate who you are at your best and create the roadmap to get there: templates, journal prompts, worksheets, examples of messages, texts and scripts, and a section for notes so you can stay organized.

Practical tools, exercises, and milestones for every topic.

Bonus Offers:

Video: Maximizing the Attorney-Client Relationship

Specific steps for success through the divorce process

Video: Your Best Self Toolbox

Tools and strategies to stay on course throughout the process

Video: Your Best Self Toolbox

Tools and strategies to stay on course throughout the process

The Better Than Before Divorce™️ online course + Package

Cost: $895

Better Than Before DivorcE™️ FAQs

Who should sign up for this course?

Better Than Before Divorce™️ was created for men and women looking for affordable, effective, professional support to help them navigate the stress and overwhelm of divorce.

What’s included in the course?

The course includes four content-rich modules, each covering an important aspect of navigating divorce. There are 17 total videos – more than 2.5 hours of content! Each video has exercises and reflective questions to help you get the most from the content. The course also includes a comprehensive workbook and client-only free webinars and content.

What topics does it cover?
Better Than Before Divorce™️ provides the skills and tools you need to set goals, create a personal and divorce mission statement, identify your strengths, compromise, set boundaries, communicate with clarity and much more.
What if I have questions as I go through it?
Join the online community and share your questions with others, or directly with Andra. You’re never alone in navigating this challenging time!
Can I go back to a particular lesson, or skip one that I don’t need?
Yes and yes! Revisit something that speaks to you as often as needed, and feel free to skip the parts you don’t need now. Don’t worry – the whole course is there for you anytime.
How is this different than hiring a divorce coach?
Better Than Before Divorce™️ is like having your own divorce coach! You get the same professional tools and exercises that Andra shares with her private clients, and everything is accessible from home, on your schedule. You can also interact with others who are dealing with divorce in the online community, where you can ask your questions and get real-time support.
Do I still need a lawyer?

Yes! Better Than Before Divorce™️ is NOT a substitute for legal advice, nor does it offer any legal information. The course is created to provide you with the emotional support you need during this time. Any legal questions should always be directed to an attorney.

Why should I take this course?
Simply put – outcomes improve and you make better choices when you get the emotional support you need during divorce. Better Than Before Divorce™️ will help you get clarity around your goals, reduce overwhelm, set up the support you need, communicate with clarity, and even save money on your legal bills. When you are prepared, organized, clear about priorities and know how to maximize the relationship with your attorney (there’s even a bonus video focused entirely on this important topic) your process will be more predictable, and you can save time and money through more efficient use of your attorney’s time and expertise.