The best step to take
is the first one!
What support do you need?
Free Downloads
This list has the first 10 steps to take and key questions to ask when you’re just beginning the divorce process.
You’ve heard you need to show up as your Best Self but how do you do it? This workbook will walk you through each step.
Are you worried about legal fees? This guide, written with a family lawyer, helps you get the most out of this important relationship.
Guides for Tough Conversations
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Divorce is a Sh*t Sandwich
A candid weekly newsletter offering no-nonsense support, guidance and humor for anyone hoping to make divorce a bit more digestible.
Practical Weekly Insights
Let’s Talk About the “C” Word. Are You Struggling to Find and Keep Control in Your Divorce?
I’m currently reading The Let Them Theory by Mel Robbins, which is inspiring me to pay closer attention to the many times each day that I relinquish my strength and...
Are You Considering Nesting? Don’t Move Forward Without Considering These Issues
Nesting is a shared custody arrangement where the parents take turns staying in the house so the child(ren) don’t have to move. This arrangement can be beneficial for a...
Do I Need a Therapist or Divorce Coach?
I’m confused - what’s the difference between a therapist and divorce coach? This is a great question that comes up often as people look for guidance...
Why You Need a Divorce Mission Statement
A divorce mission statement can help you stay focused and accountable during divorce. These client examples can help you get started. I’ve written before...
OK, it’s January and you’re starting the divorce process. What’s next?
If you’ve been holding on, waiting until the new year to start the divorce process, you’re not alone. Whether you made the decision recently or knew it was coming and...
How did this year go for you? 5 questions to help you take stock and plan for next year
If you’re reading this newsletter, you probably faced or are currently preparing for a difficult transition. Wherever you are in your journey, how are you doing today?...