
Thoughts on An Awesome Weekend With My Kids 💕

Thoughts on An Awesome Weekend With My Kids 💕

This week I have been thinking about the relationship I have with my grown-up kids, 24-year-old twins, Hannah and Max. They both live far from home now, but I was lucky enough to get the three of us together for a weekend recently and I’ve been collecting my thoughts...

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The Power of Support: A Recent Reminder

The Power of Support: A Recent Reminder

Recently I ran into a dear friend I hadn’t seen in a while. She’s one of those people I always feel connected to, even if we haven’t talked or seen each other. We have a lot in common and enjoy our time together, even if it’s limited. She and a group of us were...

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Best Self Divorce

Best Self Divorce

What is a “Best Self Divorce,” and Why is it Important? If you are anywhere in the divorce process you’ve probably had someone on your team tell you that you want to show up as your “best self” as often as possible during the process. Maybe it was your lawyer, or...

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About Perspective

About Perspective

What if WINNING in Divorce isn’t What You Think? During January I focused on the word perspective. I chose that word because I see how valuable a new perspective can be in navigating a transition as significant and overwhelming as divorce. Sometimes it’s hard to admit...

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What Does a Divorce Coach Do?

What Does a Divorce Coach Do?

What does a divorce coach do, and do I need one on my team? This is one of the best and most common questions I get from people starting divorce. So many people I speak with say, “I wish I had known about you when I got divorced!” I get it! I didn’t know about a...

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The Power of Perspective – My Word for January

The Power of Perspective – My Word for January

The Power of Perspective – My Word for January  Have you ever read the book, Zoom, by Istvan Banyai, or seen the video? It’s short, and there are no words, only pictures that take you from a farm to a ship, to a street and more, and each page reveals something new and...

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The Only Resolution You Need this Year – 2024

The Only Resolution You Need this Year – 2024

Are you considering New Year’s resolutions in 2024? Here’s a positive twist on the tradition that can serve as a source of inspiration and accountability all year. As humans, it’s safe to say we are constantly growing and experiencing transition throughout our lives....

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Be Brave Enough to Choose Yourself

Be Brave Enough to Choose Yourself

What is it about practicing self-love that is so daunting? Is it really that hard to do? Unfortunately, society sends us mixed messages about self-care and love. We may hear, or read a lot about the benefits and importance of loving ourselves, but we also know people...

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