To my newsletter,
Divorce is A Shit Sandwich
(Because it is, right?!)

How did this year go for you? 5 questions to help you take stock and plan for next year.
If you’re reading this newsletter, you probably faced or are currently preparing for a challenging life transition. Wherever you are in your journey, how are you doing today? Are you willing to look at your year to give yourself credit for your accomplishments and be honest about opportunities to improve?
As the holidays close in and 2024 comes to an end, it’s likely that you’re juggling 1,000 tasks, emotions, responsibilities and stressors.
🏆 If nothing else, I hope you will also take time to honor your successes. You made it to this point! 🙌
This week’s post includes five questions I like to ask at the beginning of the year. What do you think? Are there others you would add? I’d love to hear your thoughts!
➡️ Also – there will be no newsletter next week on Christmas Day / the first night of Hanukkah. Wishing everyone a very peaceful holiday and happy new year. Divorce is a Sh!t Sandwich will be back on Wednesday, January 1. 💝💪

Do you have a tough question? Ask away. I’ll find the right experts to weigh in and make sure you’re getting the input you need.
Question: Is it ok to use ChatGPT to help me write answers to my ex? Answer: YES! This is a great idea. Not only will you get feedback on a more productive tone and input on specific words to use, you will also have a chance to pause and cool down while you take the time to use this tool and choose what to share in your response. I love that you found a creative way pause, reframe and improve the communication process. 💪 💝Do you have a tough question? Ask away. I’ll find the right experts to weigh in and make sure you’re getting the input you need.
Question: What is parallel parenting? How is it different from coparenting? Answer:Parallel parenting describes a parenting approach with little to no interaction between the parents. This may be an appropriate approach for those dealing with abuse or consistently high conflict. In this situation parents usually utilize a single method of communication, such as a parenting app, in order to significantly minimize in-person interaction or calls. Essentially this approach is for those who each need to parent the kids in their style, on their time, without collaboration or discussion along the way. 💪 💝
Here I’ll share some of the books, websites, podcasts and experts to help make your journey a little less shitty!

In the spirit of a little stress relief, here are a few of my favorite holiday movies. Grab a friend, a kid or a cup of tea or hot chocolate and let yourself laugh! Sometimes that’s the best medicine! 😍
- A Bad Mom’s Christmas
- National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation
- Elf
- The Muppet Christmas Carol

I am a corporate communications VP turned Certified Divorce Coach, and I created the Better Than Before Divorce™️ program for those early in the divorce process who want to reduce the impact of divorce on themselves and their children, minimize conflict and come out BETTER on the other side. Throughout my career I have worked to help executives, teams and individuals communicate succinctly, with clarity, intention, and impact, and I love using these skills to provide support and confidence to women and men tangled in the web of divorce.
My Better Than Before Divorce™️ clients benefit from my 25+ years of experience in crisis communications, branding and marketing, as well as my calm strength and commitment to tangible results. I am also a trained mediator, I’ve completed Colorado’s Collaborative Divorce Level I and II trainings, and I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and an M.S. in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania.
I hope you found this information useful. Please share your feedback HERE anytime, and visit the rest my website, betterthanbeforedivorce.com, for more information on private coaching, or the Better Than Before Divorce™ online course.