Welcome to my weekly newsletter, Divorce is A Shit Sandwich
(Because it is, right?!)
January 22, 2025
Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!)Are You Considering Nesting? Read This First! Nesting is a shared custody arrangement where parents take turns staying in the house so the kids don't have to move. It sounds good, but if...
January 15, 2025
Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!)I’m confused - what’s the difference between a therapist and divorce coach? This is a great question that comes up often as people look for guidance during divorce. Both roles provide...
January 8, 2025
Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!)A divorce mission statement can help you stay focused and accountable during divorce. These client examples can help you get started. I’ve written before about the value of creating both a...
January 1, 2025
Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!)OK, it’s January and you’re starting the divorce process. What’s next? If you’ve been holding on, waiting until the new year to start the divorce process, you’re not alone. Whether you made...
December 18, 2024
Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!)How did this year go for you? 5 questions to help you take stock and plan for next year. If you’re reading this newsletter, you probably faced or are currently preparing for a challenging life...
December 11, 2024
Welcome To my newsletter,Divorce is A Shit Sandwich (Because it is, right?!)What assumptions are you making in divorce - and do they matter? In one of my favorite books, The Four Agreements, Don Miguel Ruiz shares what is essentially his code of conduct for living a...