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Divorce is A Shit Sandwich

(Because it is, right?!)

A divorce mission statement can help you stay focused and accountable during divorce. These client examples can help you get started.

I’ve written before about the value of creating both a personal and a divorce mission statement during divorce, but today I also want to share real client examples you can use to draft your own.

I hope these powerful words will inspire your own practical, hands-on mission statement so you can take some of the guesswork out of each difficult decision. With goals in mind and values to guide you, clarity is easier to find.


I’ve also included the template I love.


Try it! You have nothing to lose and so much to gain. 💝💪 


Read the full post here


Here I’ll share some of the books, websites, podcasts and experts to help make your journey a little less shitty!

I recently spoke with Laura Ollinger, Speaker, Teen and Parent Coach, on The Positively Healthy Mom Podcast, and we had a great conversation!


I am often asked how to talk with kids about divorce and improve coparenting, and we addressed those issues head on so you can access the tools you need to navigate divorce and thrive after! 


For anyone dealing with the inevitable conflicts and challenges that come with single – and co-parenting, check it out!


Listen here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/co-parenting-made-healthy/id1716580771?i=1000680720273

Watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itmg5tHs3Jo


And if you’d like additional support, check out my new Guides for the Tough Conversations. Choose the one(s) you need for $9.99/each or get them all for only $29.99

  1. How to talk to the kids about divorce?
  2. How do I tell my spouse I want a divorce?
  3. Sample “divorce letters” to update the people in your life
  4. Scripts & strategies to handle unwanted divorce advice

I am a corporate communications VP turned Certified Divorce Coach, and I created the Better Than Before Divorce™️  program for those early in the divorce process who want to reduce the impact of divorce on themselves and their children, minimize conflict and come out BETTER on the other side. Throughout my career I have worked to help executives, teams and individuals communicate succinctly, with clarity, intention, and impact, and I love using these skills to provide support and confidence to women and men tangled in the web of divorce.

My Better Than Before Divorce™️ clients benefit from my 25+ years of experience in crisis communications, branding and marketing, as well as my calm strength and commitment to tangible results. I am also a trained mediator, I’ve completed Colorado’s Collaborative Divorce Level I and II trainings, and I have a bachelor’s degree in psychology and an M.S. in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania.

I hope you found this information useful. Please share your feedback HERE anytime, and visit the rest my website, betterthanbeforedivorce.com, for more information on private coaching, or the Better Than Before Divorceonline course.