Dealing with divorce? Take this extra step to reduce stress, regain confidence, and make decisions you’ll be proud to look back on.
One of the most challenging things about divorce is the need to be at your decision-making best during a time when you are likely at your emotional worst. If you’re feeling alone and overwhelmed, it’s logical to turn to friends and family for advice, and hopefully...
The Power of Support: A Recent Reminder
Recently I ran into a dear friend I hadn’t seen in a while. She’s one of those people I always feel connected to, even if we haven’t talked or seen each other. We have a lot in common and enjoy our time together, even if it’s limited. She and a group of us were...
Five Ways to Keep Legal Fees Down & Make the Relationship with Your Lawyer Productive and Efficient
Five Ways to Keep Legal Fees Down & Make the Relationship with Your Lawyer Productive and Efficient One of the primary reasons I became a divorce coach is because I saw first-hand how confusing and overwhelming the divorce process can be. Most divorce clients come...
Trying To Move Forward During Divorce? Start By Looking At Your Past.
Trying To Move Forward During Divorce? Start By Looking At Your Past. I have always been an intuitive person. As a parent and a professional, I often rely on my gut reaction to a situation, and count on my ability to get a good sense of someone’s intentions, evaluate...
Keep Your Best Self Engaged – Especially During Hard Times
Keep Your Best Self Engaged – Especially During Hard Times In last week’s blog I shared my definition of a Best Self divorce. I also addressed common objections, i.e., “My ex isn’t behaving as their best self so why should I?”. (Hint: you do it for you, not your ex!)....
Best Self Divorce
What is a “Best Self Divorce,” and Why is it Important? If you are anywhere in the divorce process you’ve probably had someone on your team tell you that you want to show up as your “best self” as often as possible during the process. Maybe it was your lawyer, or...
About Perspective
What if WINNING in Divorce isn’t What You Think? During January I focused on the word perspective. I chose that word because I see how valuable a new perspective can be in navigating a transition as significant and overwhelming as divorce. Sometimes it’s hard to admit...
What Does a Divorce Coach Do?
What does a divorce coach do, and do I need one on my team? This is one of the best and most common questions I get from people starting divorce. So many people I speak with say, “I wish I had known about you when I got divorced!” I get it! I didn’t know about a...
Communicate with my ex? Well, you don’t know my ex!
It’s no surprise to most of us who are dealing with divorce that communication with our spouse / ex can be one of the most challenging aspects of the relationship. We all know it’s better to step away than respond to an ugly text, refrain from asking what he/she did...
The Power of Perspective – My Word for January
The Power of Perspective – My Word for January Have you ever read the book, Zoom, by Istvan Banyai, or seen the video? It’s short, and there are no words, only pictures that take you from a farm to a ship, to a street and more, and each page reveals something new and...
The Only Resolution You Need this Year – 2024
Are you considering New Year’s resolutions in 2024? Here’s a positive twist on the tradition that can serve as a source of inspiration and accountability all year. As humans, it’s safe to say we are constantly growing and experiencing transition throughout our lives....
Can A Divorce Coach Help You Keep Your Legal Bills Under Control? Yes. Here’s How.
Are you worried about mounting legal bills? A divorce coach might help.
10 Steps to Reduce Stress and Improve Outcomes After Filing for Divorce
January is the start of a new year, and sometimes the start of one’s divorce process. There’s nothing wrong with filing for a divorce at the beginning of a new year, just as long as you know what you’re getting yourself into. If you’re waiting to file for divorce, or...
Be Brave Enough to Choose Yourself
What is it about practicing self-love that is so daunting? Is it really that hard to do? Unfortunately, society sends us mixed messages about self-care and love. We may hear, or read a lot about the benefits and importance of loving ourselves, but we also know people...
Why should I consider a divorce coach?
A Certified Divorce Coach will help you rediscover the strengths you already have, engage the team you need, and remind you of the wholehearted future you deserve. If you are anywhere in the divorce process, you are likely overwhelmed by all the decisions and...